
  • 0 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 04 Elements Compounds and Mixtures

    This chapter is painful when one is getting started on it. Nonetheless, the curated contents of this course helps students to compound their understanding and resolve the wrath of mixtures of chemical fallacies. However, with practices found in the course, it will get easier for mastery. The questions are carefully selected from many exam school papers to help students master an often overlooked topic. As such this is why this course should be examined closely, as it will ensure that this chapter will pave building blocks for Chemistry foundation and mastery, as many Chemistry lectures and concepts are built upon the foundations of understanding something as elementary as elements, compounds and mixtures. A number of quizzes are designed to allow students to practice difficult and challenging questions on the chapter.
  • 7 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 05 Atomic Structure

    Did you know?  For over 2000 years, people have wondered about the fundamental building blocks of matter. As far back as 440 BC, the Greek philosopher Leucippus and his pupil Democritus coined the term atomos to describe the smallest particle of matter. It translates to mean something that is indivisible. In the eighteenth century, the chemist John Dalton, revived the term when he suggested that each element was made up of unique atoms and the atoms of an element are all the same. At that time, there were about 35 known elements. This simple model could explain the millions of different materials around us. Despite this chapter’s rich history, this chapter is actually simple to understand, but difficult to master. However, with the aid of this course and the lectures and quizzes refining your skills to perfection. You too will be able to master this course. And who knows? Your name might also appear in this chapter’s  history as a person which aided in its understanding.
  • 11 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 06 Ionic Bonding

    This is usually the pain for most students as they embark on their journey to master Chemistry. Some students lament the difficulty of identifying and distinguishing between the different types of compounds. A handful has found this pain excruciating even, because with four separate bond types to remember and different melting points and boiling points to take into account, students are required to properly master key answering techniques and keywords in order to obtain credit for their chemistry tests and examinations.To some, even remembering the names of the four types of bonding is a grave task. As such, this is why the Chemical Bonding course is highly recommended to all students as Seb Academy’s chemical bonding lectures carefully and masterfully guides students through every aspect of this chapter and bonds them through interesting anecdotes so that the topics become easy to understand and comprehensive to tackle any rigorous demands set by the school examination board. Moreover with the community of social learning bonds, some students have suggested that the topic of bonding has been efficaciously mastered through the constructive use of discussion sessions and social quizzes.
  • 10 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 07 Metals and Macromolecules

    The extension of chemical bonding is studied in the bonding of metallic structures and giant or macromolecules. Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon which have giant covalent structures This class of substances studies the bonding of non-metal Group III and IV atoms,as well as metallic structures. The mastery of this course allows students to better understand and appreciate the usage of metallic structures in our everyday lives such as in bridges and buildings, while understanding the applications of diamonds not only for aesthetic purposes but also for industrial uses as cutting equipment. This chapter truly unravels the applications of chemistry concepts and is inspiring to students to appreciate Chemistry more. The scope of study is accompanied by extensively quizzes found in the chapter to aid students in the mastery of chemical applications.