
  • 7 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 01 Kinetic Particle Theory

    Despite it being the first chapter, particle theory should not be taken lightly. This chapter puts in place the foundation for many future chapters in Chemistry such as Separation Techniques and Salt Preparation. This means that the course must be mastered and it is by no means an easy feat. As such, this course should be mastered with rigor as it sets the course for the entire subject of Chemistry. The notable skills tested would be on diffusion and on the keywords in the answering techniques for changes in phase.
  • 6 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 02 Experimental Chemistry

    This is one of the more manageable topics in Chemistry as it simply involves the learning of various apparatus and collection of gases students have learnt since primary school, for example the use of weighing scales and thermometers and glass apparatus to measure the masses of and volumes of chemicals. However, the ease of the topic is not to be despised, as credit has to be earned through a good understanding of the topic. In Chemistry, marks must always be secured despite the simplicity of the scope taught. This is why students should have a good command of the course, to keep one on the path to A1 in Chemistry.
  • 6 Lessons

    Sec sch Chapter 03 Separating Techniques

    Separating techniques is typically a chapter which many chemistry students will struggle with. This chapter has a huge amount of content with many techniques for a student to learn, especially when it comes to learning which technique is used for and when to use it. And if that is not enough, there is also learning about the conditions and specifications each technique needs in order for it to work. The chapter in itself is honestly a separating technique which would have your soul separated from your body and flying off into the sky( especially when learning about chromatography and all those dang RF values). However with this course made by our very own tiktok famous chemistry god, Sebestian LIm. Any student would be able to easily and efficiently learn anything they want about separating techniques. from separating liquids from solids to solids from gas. Through witty jokes and easy to comprehend lectures, every aspect of the course is patented towards helping students find their way in the maze of separating techniques. And soon enough you too will be able to flex your mastery of the chapter to all your friends and place that A1 comfortably in your hands.
  • 0 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 04 Elements Compounds and Mixtures

    This chapter is painful when one is getting started on it. Nonetheless, the curated contents of this course helps students to compound their understanding and resolve the wrath of mixtures of chemical fallacies. However, with practices found in the course, it will get easier for mastery. The questions are carefully selected from many exam school papers to help students master an often overlooked topic. As such this is why this course should be examined closely, as it will ensure that this chapter will pave building blocks for Chemistry foundation and mastery, as many Chemistry lectures and concepts are built upon the foundations of understanding something as elementary as elements, compounds and mixtures. A number of quizzes are designed to allow students to practice difficult and challenging questions on the chapter.