
  • 15 Lessons

    Paper 3 Practical Lectures

    All about practical -planning, titration and steps and QA.

  • 11 Lessons

    Sec Sch C22 Alkanes and Alkenes

    The industrial importance of the hydrogenation process dates from 1897, when the French chemist Paul Sabatier discovered that the introduction of a trace of nickel as a catalyst facilitated the addition of hydrogen to molecules of carbon compounds. Addition reactions are typical of unsaturated organic compounds—i.e., alkenes, which contain a carbon-to-carbon double bond. Despite its importance, hydrogenation, which is the main feature of chapter 22 is again another challenging topic to understand. With this course students will be slowly guided through the numerous uses of hydrogenation as well as the various processes involved in it allowing them to master the chapter through applications and conjunctive uses with courses like Periodic Trends, Mole Concept and Chemical Calculations
  • 14 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 13 Redox

    The history of oxidation reduction reactions can be traced back to the early time of the human development, since the first time that the human knew the fire and used it in their daily life, especially the Copper‐Bronze age of the human development, the early time, around 4000–8000 years ago. The introductory course of redox helps students in later chapters such as metals and electrolysis. Redox provides insight into the study of redox reactions. It is a simple course to pick up but challenging to master, with the main challenge being the different methods used to identify if an element is oxidized or reduced. This course is designed to tackle the challenges of the course, with clear and succinct lectures focusing on oxidation states and redox agents and applying the concepts in exam style questions.
  • 18 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 14 Metals

    The chapter on metals is a chapter that may seem simple at first but progressively becomes harder as more and more skills are being tied to the reactivity series of metals as well as the content-heavy topic on the blast furnace which is disliked by many students. This is why the course is highly recommended for students as it provides a wide variety of easy to understand lectures and tutorials for students to overcome the various difficulties in memorizing and applying the metal reactivity series as well as the various steps’ reactants and products of the blast furnace.
  • 20 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 15 Electrolysis

    Electrolysis was first discovered in the year 1800. After the invention of the voltaic pile by Alessandro Volta the same year, chemists used a battery and placed the poles in a container of water. There they discovered that current flowed and that hydrogen and oxygen appeared at the electrodes. When it comes to the chapter on electrolysis it is quite a challenge for most students as many end up being confused by the various nuances of the chapter as well as surprised by the various uses of electricity in chemistry. This is further compounded by the added needs of using the reactivity series of metals for this chapter. Which is why this course will be needed by most students as it goes in depth with the various uses for electrolysis for both chemistry and everyday life. And in time, even a normal student like you can invent something as revolutionary as a battery.
  • 9 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 16 Periodic Table

    The development of the Periodic Table started in the 1800s as chemists began to recognise similarities in the properties of various elements and place them in families. In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev created the framework that became the modern periodic table, leaving gaps for elements that were yet to be discovered. While arranging the elements according to their atomic weight, if he found that they did not fit into the group he would rearrange them. This content-heavy topic is the first chapter most secondary 4 students will be taught. The course is designed with a refreshing emphasis on observation and understanding of the difference between elements in the same group and periods. This course is designed to teach students the different physical properties of elements in the same period as well as some special properties shared between certain element groups so students can better appreciate the order and design of the Periodic table, and draw trends and hypotheses on anomalies and applications of elements found in the Periodic Table.
  • 12 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 17 Energy Changes

    Chemists like Humphry Davy and Svante Arrhenius played important roles in providing a comprehensive understanding of what happens in chemical reactions. A new era of electrochemistry started when Humphry Davy (1778–1829), a British chemist, built a powerful battery to pass electricity through molten salts. This era resulted in advancements made in chemistry such as this chapter on energy changes. This chapter is a difficult chapter for most students as it introduces a unit of measurement that most students will not be used to. That being the unit of measurement for energy or Kilojoules. Having this new unit might possibly confuse or scare students initially. But once that hurdle is overcome. This chapter becomes a lot simpler. Which is what this course aims to do. With simple to understand lectures as well as challenging exam questions taken from schools all across Singapore. Students will be able to seamlessly overcome what was once a massive hurdle and go on to ace this chapter. Making even Humphry Davy proud.
  • 6 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 18 Rate of Reactions

    In this chapter, students are mainly taught  the factors affecting the rate of reaction and the energy changes during a reaction. Mastery of this chapter allows students to understand the importance of controlling variables in making comparisons. This course is designed for students to have a confident approach when dealing with questions from this chapter as well as for students to flawlessly ace such questions. More importantly, it will review concepts taught in Chapter 11, 12, and 13 as cross references to further examine the command of students’ abilities in Chemistry. As such, this is the application of chemical concepts across many major themes and should be taken with care to pursue Chemistry to a higher level.

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