Sec Sch Chapter 11 Acids and Bases
Students often feel overwhelmed in Chemistry as they progress to the topic of acid, bases and salts. Some may feel a dip in confidence as they are introduced to the world of acids and applications of pH. Students usually struggle to remember all the products and by-products from acid reactions being added to different chemicals, and are daunted especially when anything under the sun could be added, triggering a chemical reaction. However in this climb for knowledge, many students may feel confused by the concepts because of a poor foundation in earlier chapters. In this course, Seb Academy employs the use of practicals, and lucid explanations to sequester the misconceptions students have to provide a clear solution to their problems. One student particularly has liked this to a war, to the extent of memory work and applications of the chapter. As such, it could be metaphorically suggested that the key to securing a victory over the course can be found in the rich and succinct materials taught in this chapter.
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