Sec Sch Chapter 24 Macromolecules
Especially over the last 50 years plastics have saturated our world and changed the way that we live. The first synthetic polymer was invented in 1869 by John Wesley Hyatt, who was inspired by a New York firm's offer of $10,000 for anyone who could provide a substitute for ivory. Despite it being a major convenience, plastic is in fact a major problem for our environment. This chapter is designed to teach students the problems caused by plastic as well as showcase the development of plastics like Nylon and Terylene which are studied as an application of condensation reactions. Although arguably the easiest chapter in the list of organic chemistry chapters. this chapter is also quite difficult and students may find themselves struggling with the various reactions and the various plastics produced. This course aims to help students understand the detriment of plastics and the various plastics and methods to produce them, giving students the final part to guaranteeing the A1 in their hands.
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