
  • 12 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 17 Energy Changes

    Chemists like Humphry Davy and Svante Arrhenius played important roles in providing a comprehensive understanding of what happens in chemical reactions. A new era of electrochemistry started when Humphry Davy (1778–1829), a British chemist, built a powerful battery to pass electricity through molten salts. This era resulted in advancements made in chemistry such as this chapter on energy changes. This chapter is a difficult chapter for most students as it introduces a unit of measurement that most students will not be used to. That being the unit of measurement for energy or Kilojoules. Having this new unit might possibly confuse or scare students initially. But once that hurdle is overcome. This chapter becomes a lot simpler. Which is what this course aims to do. With simple to understand lectures as well as challenging exam questions taken from schools all across Singapore. Students will be able to seamlessly overcome what was once a massive hurdle and go on to ace this chapter. Making even Humphry Davy proud.
  • 6 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 18 Rate of Reactions

    In this chapter, students are mainly taught  the factors affecting the rate of reaction and the energy changes during a reaction. Mastery of this chapter allows students to understand the importance of controlling variables in making comparisons. This course is designed for students to have a confident approach when dealing with questions from this chapter as well as for students to flawlessly ace such questions. More importantly, it will review concepts taught in Chapter 11, 12, and 13 as cross references to further examine the command of students’ abilities in Chemistry. As such, this is the application of chemical concepts across many major themes and should be taken with care to pursue Chemistry to a higher level.

  • 12 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 20 Air and Environment

    Our atmosphere has been taken for granted in the past. In the last few decades, scientists and the general public began to realise the adverse effects of pollutants on the air we breathe. It is recognised that pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and particulates released into the atmosphere as a result of energy generation and increased use of motor vehicles, have serious health and environmental consequences. Increase in levels of carbon dioxide gas leading to global warming has been a worldwide concern. Many nations have taken steps to discuss the reasons behind environmental changes and rise in Earth’s temperature which has given grounds to global warming. At the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, the Paris Agreement drafted aims to hold the increase in the global average temperature to below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. With the control of carbon emissions, the world is likely to face less severe consequences of extreme weather conditions such as floods and tsunamis. In this chapter, the sources of air pollutants and their effects are examined. Students are taught to value the knowledge of the hazardous nature of pollutants and the environmental issues related to air pollution. This is where the course is efficacious in providing short succinct yet relevant insights to lecture materials, data handling and industrial applications through tutorials of exam questions. With funny and easy to understand lectures as well as diverse and challenging quizzes, any student will soon be saying “no” to NOs and “so bad” to sulfur dioxide pollution.