Exam preparation is both an art and science. It can be learned and modelled and it is dynamic and it involves discipline which would make your studying habits sharper than before. With 1 month left to the mid-year examinations, you might be feeling the jitters...
Once upon a time, chemophobia was a term that yielded less than a handful of search results. Times have changed considerably now though, and hearing the term in casual conservation has become a strange sort of norm. So, what is chemophobia? And why has it gained so...
From masks to social distancing, there is no doubt that the year of 2020 has brought many significant changes into our lives. Among them, there is one that is most likely here to stay: the culture of online learning, or Zoom classes. Schools and educational...
How to Calculate A Levels University Rank Points for Singapore? The International A Levels is conducted and assessed a little differently in Singapore compared to other parts of the world. For starters, subjects are divided into three levels of study: H1, H2, and H3,...