
  • 7 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 01 Kinetic Particle Theory

    Despite it being the first chapter, particle theory should not be taken lightly. This chapter puts in place the foundation for many future chapters in Chemistry such as Separation Techniques and Salt Preparation. This means that the course must be mastered and it is by no means an easy feat. As such, this course should be mastered with rigor as it sets the course for the entire subject of Chemistry. The notable skills tested would be on diffusion and on the keywords in the answering techniques for changes in phase.
  • 6 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 02 Experimental Chemistry

    This is one of the more manageable topics in Chemistry as it simply involves the learning of various apparatus and collection of gases students have learnt since primary school, for example the use of weighing scales and thermometers and glass apparatus to measure the masses of and volumes of chemicals. However, the ease of the topic is not to be despised, as credit has to be earned through a good understanding of the topic. In Chemistry, marks must always be secured despite the simplicity of the scope taught. This is why students should have a good command of the course, to keep one on the path to A1 in Chemistry.
  • 6 Lessons

    Sec sch Chapter 03 Separating Techniques

    Separating techniques is typically a chapter which many chemistry students will struggle with. This chapter has a huge amount of content with many techniques for a student to learn, especially when it comes to learning which technique is used for and when to use it. And if that is not enough, there is also learning about the conditions and specifications each technique needs in order for it to work. The chapter in itself is honestly a separating technique which would have your soul separated from your body and flying off into the sky( especially when learning about chromatography and all those dang RF values). However with this course made by our very own tiktok famous chemistry god, Sebestian LIm. Any student would be able to easily and efficiently learn anything they want about separating techniques. from separating liquids from solids to solids from gas. Through witty jokes and easy to comprehend lectures, every aspect of the course is patented towards helping students find their way in the maze of separating techniques. And soon enough you too will be able to flex your mastery of the chapter to all your friends and place that A1 comfortably in your hands.
  • 0 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 04 Elements Compounds and Mixtures

    This chapter is painful when one is getting started on it. Nonetheless, the curated contents of this course helps students to compound their understanding and resolve the wrath of mixtures of chemical fallacies. However, with practices found in the course, it will get easier for mastery. The questions are carefully selected from many exam school papers to help students master an often overlooked topic. As such this is why this course should be examined closely, as it will ensure that this chapter will pave building blocks for Chemistry foundation and mastery, as many Chemistry lectures and concepts are built upon the foundations of understanding something as elementary as elements, compounds and mixtures. A number of quizzes are designed to allow students to practice difficult and challenging questions on the chapter.
  • 7 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 05 Atomic Structure

    Did you know?  For over 2000 years, people have wondered about the fundamental building blocks of matter. As far back as 440 BC, the Greek philosopher Leucippus and his pupil Democritus coined the term atomos to describe the smallest particle of matter. It translates to mean something that is indivisible. In the eighteenth century, the chemist John Dalton, revived the term when he suggested that each element was made up of unique atoms and the atoms of an element are all the same. At that time, there were about 35 known elements. This simple model could explain the millions of different materials around us. Despite this chapter’s rich history, this chapter is actually simple to understand, but difficult to master. However, with the aid of this course and the lectures and quizzes refining your skills to perfection. You too will be able to master this course. And who knows? Your name might also appear in this chapter’s  history as a person which aided in its understanding.
  • 11 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 06 Ionic Bonding

    This is usually the pain for most students as they embark on their journey to master Chemistry. Some students lament the difficulty of identifying and distinguishing between the different types of compounds. A handful has found this pain excruciating even, because with four separate bond types to remember and different melting points and boiling points to take into account, students are required to properly master key answering techniques and keywords in order to obtain credit for their chemistry tests and examinations.To some, even remembering the names of the four types of bonding is a grave task. As such, this is why the Chemical Bonding course is highly recommended to all students as Seb Academy’s chemical bonding lectures carefully and masterfully guides students through every aspect of this chapter and bonds them through interesting anecdotes so that the topics become easy to understand and comprehensive to tackle any rigorous demands set by the school examination board. Moreover with the community of social learning bonds, some students have suggested that the topic of bonding has been efficaciously mastered through the constructive use of discussion sessions and social quizzes.
  • 10 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 07 Metals and Macromolecules

    The extension of chemical bonding is studied in the bonding of metallic structures and giant or macromolecules. Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon which have giant covalent structures This class of substances studies the bonding of non-metal Group III and IV atoms,as well as metallic structures. The mastery of this course allows students to better understand and appreciate the usage of metallic structures in our everyday lives such as in bridges and buildings, while understanding the applications of diamonds not only for aesthetic purposes but also for industrial uses as cutting equipment. This chapter truly unravels the applications of chemistry concepts and is inspiring to students to appreciate Chemistry more. The scope of study is accompanied by extensively quizzes found in the chapter to aid students in the mastery of chemical applications.   
  • 4 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 08 Equations

    The mole concept chapters are a series of chapter topics that students can either excel at or struggle with. It begins with a foundation course on the chemical formula of compounds and a heavy emphasis on balancing chemical equations. Students who struggle with either will find this chapter extremely difficult. Which is why this course is designed in order to help such students firmly grasp the various skills needed in this chapter. From the simplest of chemical formulae to the most challenging of stoichiometry equations, this course will have any student mastering the basics of mole concept in no time. Net ionic equations would also be a feature in this topic to help students identify spectator ions speedily to identify key reacting species and products formed.
  • 8 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 09 Mole Concept

    What is a mole? Well instead of the usual animal that pops up in most people’s minds, a mole is actually a unit of measurement in chemistry. Although the idea of a new unit of measurement being learned might be unwelcome. The chapter is actually pretty simple to learn and master. With the aid of this course, any student will be proficient in the use of moles and be able to apply them into any situation which requires their usage. Think of moles as a "chemist's dozen". Just as 12 eggs is a dozen eggs, 6.02 × 1023 eggs is a mole of eggs. 6.02 × 1023 molecules of oxygen is a mole of oxygen. The number of grams in a mole is different from substance to substance. If you're like most students, it's this that's confusing you. Picture it this way: a dozen elephants have a different weight than a dozen rabbits- but in each case, you have a dozen animals. Similarly, a mole of oxygen gas has a different weight than a mole of water- but in each case, you have 6.02×1023 molecules. Why use moles? You often want to know how many molecules you have in a sample of a substance. Counting the molecules individually would be completely impractical. Even if you had a way to see the individual molecules, there are just too many, even in a tiny sample. Moles were defined to solve the problem of counting large numbers of molecules. With moles, you count the number of molecules in the sample by weighing it. This course aims to inspire students and resolve the complexities of mole calculations to easy tasks.
  • 12 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 10 Chemical calculations

    In chemistry it is very important to understand the relationship between reactants and products in a reaction. Stoichiometry is exactly that. It is the quantitative relation between the number of moles (and therefore mass) of various products and reactants in a chemical reaction.  Stoichiometry refers to the relationship between the quantities of reactants and products before, during, and following chemical reactions. With the importance of this chapter it is disheartening to most students while mastering this course, and it may be due to time constraints learning this topic as this is usually taught close to the end of year where students may be struggling with reviewing earlier concepts. Some students may be left with little time to review this heavyweight topic, leaving them with only a simple understanding of the chapter but not knowing how to use it. This is why this course was designed to allow students to get a clearer view on the uses and applications of stoichiometry, as well as a deeper understanding and mastery of the chapter.
  • 18 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 11 Acids and Bases

    Students often feel overwhelmed in Chemistry as they progress to the topic of acid, bases and salts. Some may feel a dip in confidence as they are introduced to the world of acids and applications of pH. Students usually struggle to remember all the products and by-products from acid reactions being added to different chemicals, and are daunted especially when anything under the sun could be added, triggering a chemical reaction. However in this climb for knowledge, many students may feel confused by the concepts because of a poor foundation in earlier chapters. In this course, Seb Academy employs the use of practicals, and lucid explanations to sequester the misconceptions students have to provide a clear solution to their problems. One student particularly has liked this to a war, to the extent of memory work and applications of the chapter. As such, it could be metaphorically suggested that the key to securing a victory over the course can be found in the rich and succinct materials taught in this chapter.
  • 9 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 12 Salts

    The salt preparation course is designed as an application of the previous topic on acid, bases and salts and separating techniques. With lectures on salt preparation methods such as titration and precipitation as well as the different solubilities of salts building on the core of techniques such as filtration and crystallization from Chapter 3. As such, this topic on salt preparation is extremely content heavy. And most students will often forget about the various specific details in the chapter. The problem is aggravated when students apply the concepts wrongly, often ending in a confused state of a wrong application of salt preparation. As such, this course is recommended to those with difficulties in remembering the various details which are needed to succeed in mastering this chapter, with exam hacks and answering techniques to allow the useful recall and application of key chemistry concepts.
  • 14 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 13 Redox

    The history of oxidation reduction reactions can be traced back to the early time of the human development, since the first time that the human knew the fire and used it in their daily life, especially the Copper‐Bronze age of the human development, the early time, around 4000–8000 years ago. The introductory course of redox helps students in later chapters such as metals and electrolysis. Redox provides insight into the study of redox reactions. It is a simple course to pick up but challenging to master, with the main challenge being the different methods used to identify if an element is oxidized or reduced. This course is designed to tackle the challenges of the course, with clear and succinct lectures focusing on oxidation states and redox agents and applying the concepts in exam style questions.
  • 18 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 14 Metals

    The chapter on metals is a chapter that may seem simple at first but progressively becomes harder as more and more skills are being tied to the reactivity series of metals as well as the content-heavy topic on the blast furnace which is disliked by many students. This is why the course is highly recommended for students as it provides a wide variety of easy to understand lectures and tutorials for students to overcome the various difficulties in memorizing and applying the metal reactivity series as well as the various steps’ reactants and products of the blast furnace.
  • 9 Lessons

    Sec Sch Chapter 16 Periodic Table

    The development of the Periodic Table started in the 1800s as chemists began to recognise similarities in the properties of various elements and place them in families. In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev created the framework that became the modern periodic table, leaving gaps for elements that were yet to be discovered. While arranging the elements according to their atomic weight, if he found that they did not fit into the group he would rearrange them. This content-heavy topic is the first chapter most secondary 4 students will be taught. The course is designed with a refreshing emphasis on observation and understanding of the difference between elements in the same group and periods. This course is designed to teach students the different physical properties of elements in the same period as well as some special properties shared between certain element groups so students can better appreciate the order and design of the Periodic table, and draw trends and hypotheses on anomalies and applications of elements found in the Periodic Table.
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